Admissions Information

All children must be at least 3 years old by the start of the school year.

All children MUST be toilet trained – there will be no exceptions to this policy. In the event of on-going accidents, the teachers reserve the right to suspend enrollment of the student until the problem is remedied.

A waitlist is maintained in the event of vacancies and is handled on a first come, first served, basis. If space allows, we will accept new registrants after the school year begins. However, we will not accept new students after February 1st of the spring semester. Tuition will be pro-rated for those accepted off the waitlist.

Current students and their siblings will be given priority for the following year’s classes before enrollment is open to new families. Registration can be completed by filling out an application and paying the $150, non-refundable, registration fee. Once your deposit and application are received, you will receive an email from our admissions director confirming your child’s spot in our program.